We strongly encourage people to gather with other believers regularly. While we greatly enjoy corporate worship, we also understand that we tend to share life with smaller groups of people. Below you will find a list of all small groups and Bible studies grouped by day of the week and location. For more information, including location and contact info, call the church office at 850.477.9475 or email us at secretary@gccpensacola.org. We also keep a detailed list in the church foyer.
- Children’s Church
- Ages 4-7
- During Service
- Sunday School
- Adults—The Truth Project
- Students—Hebrews
- Children—The Biggest Story
- 9:30 AM
- Small Group
- Area: Beulah / Mobile Hwy
- Time: 5:30 – 7:30 PM
- Hosted by: Fred and Debbie Hileman / Peter and Medena Williams
- Iron Men Men’s Bible Study
- Location: Church – Grace Hall
- Time: 6:00-7:00 AM
- Leader: Jamie Vandiver
- Officers’ Christian Fellowship (OCF)
- Area: Pace / Milton
- Time: 6:00 PM
- Hosted by: Jamie and Jody Vandiver
- Small Group
- Area: University
- Time: 6:30-8:15 PM
- Hosted by: Tim and Anne Royappa
- Ladies Bible Study
- Location: Church – Grace Hall
- Time: 6:30 PM
- Led by: Beth Cumberland
- Prayer Meeting – InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
- Location: Galley – UWF
- Time: 12:20-12:50 PM
- Hosted by: Bill DePury
- Bible Study – College & Career (Dispersion)
- Location: Pace area
- Time: 6:00-8:00 PM – Every other Week
- Hosted by: Kyle and Jennifer Biles
- Officers’ Christian Fellowship (OCF)
- Area: Pensacola / University
- Time: 6:00 PM
- Hosted by: Chet and Michelle Arnold
- Bible Study – Ladies
- Location: Church – Grace Hall
- Time: 10:00 AM
- Led by: Anne Royappa
- OCF Ladies Bible Study
- Area: Pensacola / University
- Time: 10:00 AM
- Hosted by: Michelle Arnold