growing in Christ – loving one another
We are excited you are considering joining us in worship on the Lord’s Day. We strive to be a church that wholeheartedly seeks to grow in our relationship with our amazing God and to show his love to one another, our community and the entire world – by our words and deeds. It is our desire that you experience true Christian community here at Grace Community Church.
That being said, we know it can be a little unnerving when first attending a new church. We invite you to explore the information about our church on this website. We hope the information you find on this site is useful in planning your visit but, should you have any unanswered questions or wish to talk to someone, we would love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to us at (850) 477-9475.
We look forward to meeting you and glorifying God together in worship.
Sunday Schedule
9:30 AM – Sunday School
10:45AM – Worship Service